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It’s Hard to Stay Connected with Your Family as They Grow Older

My family has mushroomed from two of us to now 27 and contains 4 generations. I’ve noticed over the last 10 years how hard it is to keep connected with the younger generations as they grow older.

With today’s hustle and bustle and the fast pace of life, it is quite a task to keep connecting with all the younger ones. If I’ll be honest too, it’s not as important for the younger people to be interested in connecting with us oldies. So it is up to us to make the effort. After all, we should be the ones with time on our hands.

Here are a few ideas if you have the same problem:

  • Use Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are popular among younger generations. Creating an account and following them can help you stay updated on their lives and engage with their content. They are so savvy with technology that they can give you suggestions and pointers to use all these platforms effectively.

  • Text Messaging and Apps: Regular text messages or using messaging apps like WhatsApp, Discord, or Messenger can be a great way to stay in touch. These apps often offer group chat options, making it easier to keep up with multiple family members at once. With parental controls in place, often younger children are allowed access to some of these apps. I often send the grandkids photos when I am travelling and they love them.

  • Video Calls: Use video call services like Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or Google Meet to have face-to-face conversations, especially if you live far apart. Regular video calls can make a big difference in maintaining a personal connection. It’s a great way to have these available when you are travelling too.

Children having a picnic by the pool during summer. Stay Connected with Your Family through fun outdoor activities and picnics.
  • Participate in Their Interests: Show interest in the activities and hobbies they enjoy. Whether it's playing video games, watching their favourite TV shows or movies, or learning about them Participating in their interests can create bonding opportunities.

  • Share Your Stories: Share stories from your own life, especially ones that might relate to their experiences. This can help bridge the generation gap and create common ground for conversations. Help them understand the timeline of your life and how that relates to the stories that you tell them.

  • Plan Regular Visits or Outings: If possible, plan regular family visits or outings. Spending time together in person can strengthen your relationship and create lasting memories. Picnics at the local park are always very popular with my younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Pick a nice sunny day and let them run wild while you sit in a comfortable chair and watch them.

  • Send Personalized Notes or Gifts: A handwritten note or a small gift that shows you're thinking of them can go a long way. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, just something that shows you care. The younger kids love getting a card in the mail.

  • Create a Family Group Chat: A group chat that includes all family members can be a great way to share news, photos, and updates. It's a simple way to keep everyone in the loop. This is a great way to let the whole family know what you are up to. I use it when I am travelling to let the family know I arrived at my destination safely and subsequently got home safely too.

  • Stay Up-to-Date with Technology: Keeping up with the latest technology trends can help you understand and communicate better with younger generations. It shows that you're making an effort to connect on their level. Often there are senior courses that you can attend to keep your eye on the ball.

Grandma and grandchildren celebrating a backyard birthday party with hats and cake. Stay Connected with Your Family through celebrations.
  • Attend Their Events: Whether it's a school play, sports game, or a music recital, attending their events shows your support and interest in their lives. Watching them dance or play a sport shows them how much you care. Share music preferences.

  • Ask for Their Help: Sometimes, asking for their help with technology or new trends can be a great way to engage them. It makes them feel valued and can be a fun learning experience for you.

  • Be Patient and Open-Minded: Understand that there might be differences in perspectives and interests. Being patient and open-minded can help create a respectful and understanding relationship.

This list can help bridge the gap and build a strong, lasting connection with the younger members of your family. Remember that you are a role model in their eyes and in some families, the oldest relative they know. It is hard to stay connected with your family but not impossible to be one of the most important people in their lives. Make it a priority today.

Grandma receiving affectionate kisses from her granddaughters. Stay Connected with Your Family through love and hugs.

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